



From zero leads from the website, to £140k revenue in just one month.

Austin Fraser
Austin Fraser • Austin Fraser •
Austin Fraser • Austin Fraser •

The brief

Austin Fraser are a leading global tech recruiter with offices in the UK, US & Germany. After a period of rapid growth, their attention turned to their marketing infrastructure, with the view that they needed a best in class brand and website to push on to the next level. They also had a website no one used, which failed to generate a single lead in the previous 12 months.

Their brief was simple; to develop a powerful architecture (Purpose, Vision & Mission) and then use this to influence the creation of an eye catching visual identity, followed by a website.

  1. Brand Messaging
  2. Brand Identity
  3. Marketing Collateral
  4. New Website

Our approach

We started by interviewing the senior leadership team, ran workshops with the sales leaders and surveyed the remaining employees. From this, we established a data set with answers to some of the important, purpose driven questions such as why they do what they do? and where they’re going?

This enabled us to pull out consistent themes and drill these down into impactful messaging statements. We then used these to design a striking visual identity, sales collateral including brochures and social assets followed by a 30+ page global website.

The impact

A powerful, purpose driven architecture which was adopted throughout the entire business, a visual identity designed to stand out on the timeline and be noticed by both candidates and clients, a new international website delivering over £100k worth of revenue in a single month.

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Client testimonial

Testimonial to go here about how good Unearthed were lorem ipusm dolor sit amet.

Ben Hobday, Austin Fraser